Member center

Payment Options

Cimarron SmartHub

SmartHub is Cimarron Electric Cooperative’s free online bill payment system that also allows you to monitor your daily energy usage.

SmartHub Features:

  • Provides 24-hour access to account or accounts.
  • Sends an e-mail notification when a new electric bill is generated. The e-mail includes a link for easy navigation to your billing information. You can use SmartHub to review account information and pay your electric bill, or you may choose to pay in a different manner.
  • Allows you to pay electronically using a Visa, MasterCard or Discover card or an electronic check transaction.
  • Displays posting of payments in real time.
  • Provides current and historical billing information and payment history.
  • Outlines energy usage in graphs.
  • Includes a free app for your smartphone or tablet. Download it by searching for “SmartHub” on either the Apple Store or Android Market.
  • Allows you to enroll in Paperless Billing.
  • Lets those with multiple accounts pay with a single payment.
  • Provides an easy way to report a power outage. This feature works especially well for members with multiple accounts.

Download SmartHub App

Auto Bank Draft

If you’d like to save time & postage, and write fewer checks, we can help.

With your approval, your monthly electric bills from Cimarron Electric Cooperative, can be paid by drafting your bank account. You won’t have to worry about your payment getting delayed or lost in the mail. You won’t have to worry about your bill not being paid when you’re out of town or on vacation. And, we’ll do it at no extra charge to you.

The process is simple. A bank draft authorization form is printed, filled out, signed, and returned by the member. These forms are then sent to the member’s bank authorizing the monthly electric bill payment to be made automatically. The billing amount is deducted automatically from the member’s bank balance on the ninth day of each month. The transaction appears each month on the member’s bank statement. The member will still receive their monthly bill in the mail; however, it will show a zero balance and will state “Paid by Bank Draft.”


For Information, contact Member Services:
Phone: (405) 375-4121 or (800) 375-4121

Download Auto Bank Draft Form

Pay your bill while you get groceries, gas and more by using one of the smart payments locations.

Vanilla Direct Locations Map (Cash Only)

    • Log into your Cimarron Smarthub account
    • Select Billing & Payments > Pay by Cash
    • Your account barcode is located on that page
    • Present barcode and payment to cashier or Service Desk

Cimarron US Payments Kiosk Location Map (Cash, Check or Credit Card)

    • Select Cimarron Electric at the kiosk
    • Enter your account number
    • Insert payment
    • Walk away with receipt


The Average Monthly Payment Service (AMPS), was designed to average the highs and lows of summer cooling, winter heating and the milder times in between.

Each month your meter reading will be electronically received. Your current month’s bill will be added to your past 11 month’s bills, then averaged. By using this method, we’re able to average your electricity bill over the most recent 12 months and eliminate the possibility of a big “Catch-up” bill at the end of the year. This plan will even out the highs and lows of your bills.

Postal Mail

You can pay your bill by mail. Just enclose check and mail to us in provided envelope with your bill.

Mail to:

Cimarron Electric

P.O. Box 299

Kingfisher, OK, 73750

Prepay Select

A new way to budget and pay! It helps you take control of your electrical usage. It is excellent for budgeting. You pay in advance and you can see exactly what you are using at any given time. Use it in conjunction with SmartHub and you can make payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You could have power back on in minutes if you were away and ran out. There is no deposit ever or a reconnect fee.


Cimarron Electric has a drive through dropbox located at our offices in Kingfisher.

Understanding Your Bill