Report your outage by calling 800-375-4121. If on mobile, click the button below to place your call.
SmartHub is the fastest and easiest way to let us know when your power goes out. You may access the SmartHub website or download the app on your mobile device, through the App Store (iPhone or iPad) or Google Play (Android devices) at no charge.
To ensure that our linemen are responding to the correct location, never use SmartHub to report an outage for a friend, neighbor or relative.
Step 1. Get your cell phone number into our files. Call Cimarron and update your files. Make sure the cell phone or phones (up to 5 different cell phones) are on your account. You can call in and ask for help updating your phone information or you can update your phone number if you use our online Smart Hub.
Step 2. Once you get your cell phone numbers into our files (could take a day or two), you will need to complete installing the Smart Hub App. This app will let you identify exactly which meter your phone text is referring to. You can assign different accounts and their meters (home, barn, well, all, etc.) for your different services. Click here to sign up for the outage texting. It will ask for an e-mail address and for you to make up a password. It will recognize your phone number and will show your accounts with service address, meter #s and will let you identify what that meter is (home, barn, etc.). Save the information as you identify what the meters are and also as you identify other family member’s cell phones.
Step 3. In the event of an outage, you now can text 55050 which is our outage text number and type in outage and the keyword that identifies the meter that is out. (Such as outage home.) It will identify your cell phone # and the exact meter location that you just reported. It will text you back that the outage was reported successfully. When the electricity is restored, it will text you back “outage restored”.
Please note, this contact form is not a way to report your outage. Click here to explore the different ways that you can report your outage.
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Website Design By Spraycan Creative