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Solar Energy

Contact Us
Contact Cimarron Electric Cooperative at 405-375-4121 to understand how much electricity you use and other important factors that can help determine what size system makes sense for you.
Use the Solar Savings Calculator below to approximate how much you can save with solar and how much your system will cost.
Assess Your Situation
Understand the complete financial implications of owning solar. There is an upfront cost to install a system and annual maintenance costs. Make sure the vendor you purchase from supports future maintenance.
Get Quotes
Get multiple quotes from solar vendors and financing providers before you make any decisions.

Maximize System Efficiency

Multiple factors impact how much electricity your PV system will produce and will determine whether solar makes sense for you. Not all solar panels are manufactured the same way and different vendors use different panels. Higher-quality solar panels are often more efficient and more costly. There are also multiple environmental factors that influence the efficiency of your solar panels. The largest factors are shade, the pitch of your roof, the angle of installation, and the general climate. Solar panels should be placed in a location that optimizes their efficiency. The vendor’s installation expert should identify the best location to install your PV system and estimate how much electricity it will produce. You can consult them to address any aesthetic concerns and tradeoffs.

Financing Options

Just like buying a car, there are multiple ways to finance a PV system. Outright ownership usually has the highest return on investment, but it involves paying for your system upfront. Solar Loans have the same basic structure, terms, and conditions as other home improvement loans and are an option if you want to own the system but need to finance the upfront cost. These financing options qualify homeowners for financial incentives like the federal investment tax credit (ITC). Some vendors may offer 3rd party financing structures such as a Solar Lease or Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), but these options are usually more costly. It is important to understand all available options and their tradeoffs before deciding.

Here are some questions to help you determine if rooftop solar is right for you:

  • What is the overall energy efficiency of your home/building?
  • What is the orientation of the sun in relation to your home/building?
  • How will tree coverage near my home and weather patterns for the region impact solar outcomes?
  • How will solar valuation factor into the sale of the house?
  • Are the estimated energy savings worth the investment?
  • What will be my return on investment?
  • Is it more cost effective to invest in other energy saving measures such as adding home insulation or using higher efficiency windows?
  • What electric rates does the proposal use and what inflation rate is used?
  • How does that proposal rate compare with my actual Cimarron Electric rate?
  • Is there a large, up-front payment required or are fees spread out over time?
  • Do the calculations account for cloudy days or snow and dust on the panels?
  • Will I own the panels or are they leased?
  • What is the panel lifespan versus the payment term?
  • Are there ongoing maintenance fees?
  • Are there rebates or other financial incentives available?
  • Who’s responsible for storm damage repairs?
  • Is additional insurance coverage needed? (Contact your insurance company)
  • Do I have to continue making payments even while the panels aren’t working?
  • Are there any hidden costs like replacing the roof before installation, marketing, advertising or research fees?
  • When my roof shingles need replaced, who removes and reinstalls the panels, and at what cost?
  • What is the typical kWh generated in a summer month compared to a winter month?

PV System Overview

Residential solar systems have four key features: solar panels, an inverter, a metering system, and the utility grid.

Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Panels convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity and can be installed on either rooftops or the ground. An inverter converts the DC electricity into useable alternating current (AC) electricity to power your home. Our metering system will record the amount of kWh(energy) you consume from Cimarron Electric and the amount of kWh you produce that is pushed onto the Cimarron Electric grid. The Utility Grid provides power to the inverter and power to the home not produced by the solar panel.

Keep in mind that solar panels will not be able to provide your home with electricity during a power outage unless you have a battery.

An infographic over how a Photovoltaic Solar Panel System works.

Please keep in mind!

  • An approved Distributed Generation Interconnection Agreement is required before connection can be made. CONTACT US!
  • Solar proposals that state your electric bill will go down to nothing are not correct.
  • All Cimarron Electric Cooperative members pay at minimum a monthly fee to cover fixed costs like poles, wires and transformers that are required to provide power whenever you need it, plus a bi-directional meter fee.